Neurofeedback Integrated Psychotherapy
Primarily, psychotherapy within our practice includes the integration of neurofeedback and/or our other services, such as heart rate variability and deep brain reorienting. Each clinician employs a brain and arousal-based approach to therapy, while also incorporating their individual styles and techniques tailored to their specialties. We have found that neurofeedback can uncover new ways of thinking and processing memories and emotions. These developments play a crucial role in guiding the therapeutic process, as our clinicians support you and/or your child through these transformative changes.
the approach / styles etc. of counselors here?
Do we want to talk about what these sessions look like?
Do we want to throw in theories / types of therapy
(Ex. Theraplay, attachment theory, interfamily systems?)
This could help with SEO? Should we mention the primary theories / specialties instead in the profiles of the clinicians?